Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday nights at club randall pt 2

Good evening everybody!

I hope everybody had a good weekend; wasnt the weather great today!?!?

So I got an "aright" grade for my bio test that I talked about last time. It wasnt quite as easy as I thought, but I am doing something this week that I suggest all students try to do in college; simply talk to the teacher to see what I could of improved on and how to make sure I can use that to get a better grade for the next exam. It really helps me cause the teacher (the person who makes the test) helps me do specific study tips for his or her exam. Also it puts me on a personal level with the teacher so I am able to pay more attention in class. (Im gonna want to listen to a teacher who I know more than a teacher who goes talks about the subject then leaves) Just another way to help learn and thus achieve my goal.

One thing I want to try to focus during these last weeks are my sleeping behavioral goal. I think it is really important to make good adjustments from weekend to week sleeping habits. On the weekends (thursday night to monday morning) I tend to go to bed late and sleep in late, go to wag, then back to sleep. I think as finals approach, I need to do less of this and have one set sleep schedule. As finals come closer, this will help me study more and be more efficient in.

I hope that everybody has a good week, lately I have been to listening to music on pandora for relaxation. Here are my listed stations for pandora.

Eminem, Jay-Z, The killers, Take me home tonight (Eddie Money), Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty.

I suggest that you guys listen to music when your doing some small studying, its very relaxing!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011



Just wanted to check in, ive been in "club randall" for about 6 hours now, and I got A LOT done in that time. I got a big bio exam tomorrow, and my night before technique was the same as the last exam. Hopefully it brings the same results. I am really motivated to do well on this exam. I know my sleep hours may be a little deprived because I wont go to bed until late, than get up early to study more, BUT no sacrifice, no victory. I think giving up a behavioral goal short term will help me in the long run with my overall goal; 4.0. Dont you????

Well besides this little check in, I wanted to leave you guys with a vid from greek week talent show that Hannah and I participated in. I had a BLAST and met a bunch of really cool girls in AXiD sorority on campus. Im gonna give a "out of class" wellness paper about it, and I hope you guys have the time to read it. I think I can say for both Hannah and I that it was a great week.

See you guys in class tomorrow!!!


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Greek Week

This week was not a great week for my goals. As I talked about in the beginning of the week, its the 4th quarter and one must get though distractions....well if some may know greek week takes a lot out of people. Events every day really lead to less time on schoolwork.

With competitions monday-friday, and hours upon hours of talent show practice really took time away form academics. Good thing it was the week after spring break and I got all my work done, or else this week would of been HELL! Good thing these goals have helped me plan out my studies even more; without it, not only would my goals become more of a challenge but a mass amount of stress.

I dont want this blog to be negative though, this week was a great week and helped me achieve a higher wellness. Meeting people always is fun, and I will blog about my experiences to make up for missing social dance. Im sure you guys are gonna love seeing it, and pictures will be included!

Until next time!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The 4th Quarter

Helloooo everybody,

First of all, I hope everybody had a safe and happy spring break. I enjoyed mine by sleeping on my basement couch all day and getting some much needed R&R. Good thing my goal wasnt to have a perfect NCAA bracket because this year there are more X's on a piece of paper than Justin Biebers first record contract.

So here we go, the time after spring break. For all the freshmen in the class (a good amount) this time of the year is what I call the 4th quarter. Any of the older students can agree with me that these last 8 or so weeks are crucial. Not only are finals around the block, but the weather is warmer and beach season is here. We as students must stick to our academics as goals. While the beach and fun times in the warm weather ARE good, we cant be distracted to them too much. My one advice to the younger students is to start getting ready for finals now because the sooner you do it, the better off you will be and the more spare time/ less stress you will have.

I am writing about the 4th quarter because I see it as a crucial time for me to achieve me goal. I know if I stick to these behaviors, my overall goal can be achieved despite the distractions and the quick timetable presented. After break and not looking at any of my books (because that is what break is for me after all) Im refreshed and ready to take on these last couple weeks. I encourage to do all the same! Were almost to summer and once we get there, with our goals achieved, our vacation will come with a great start!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday nights at club randall

Good evening,

I just come to terms with myself that blogging has helped me keep track of my goals more. I think expressing them has shown that I am pushing myself more to help me keep my goals. So for your entertainment and for my sanity, these blogs will become a daily post. Hope you enjoy

Right now, as I type in Randall I am gearing myself up for that last week of midterms. Mentally prepping myself can be exhausting, but like I said, for my sanity, im gonna remain positive about this whole situation.

Im telling myself that I am working hard in the library, studying any and all information from my readings in my subjects. This week I got a PLS, LED, THR test and an Honors seminar project due. One thing that has been helping me as I do my forty-five minute per subject is "how does this relationship become relevant in my life" It is keeping my positive and keeping me upbeat and awake. Come test time, when I see a question, I wont be thinking "what is my professor asking for, but remembering how I connected this with my life"

This study tactic has really helped me recently, with my big exam last week. I suggest to all of you to try it, especially for areas that are not your major and dont have a big interest for.

Well until tomorrow night, hope everybody has a happy monday, lets all work together to achieve high level wellness!


Nothing like a little motivation

This past week was one of the bigger weeks academically this semester. I had a HUGE midterm for the one class that I thought would be the hardest to get an A in, therefore holding me back from my goal. The test was Wednesday, so I knew that I can get a lot of hours in starting Sunday into wednesday morning. I did most of my studying for this test, and turned my other subjects to 20 minutes a day. Probably between sunday and wednesday, I studied 15-22 hours for this exam.
Sleep was my main concern for this test. (it usually always is for exams) I have found that the best for me personally is to go to bed early the two nights before a test, this way, if I need to stay up late the night to study (which I did), its on a good amount of sleep. The last night I studied until 2:00 and fell asleep around 3:00. I felt that going into the test I had a good amount of hours of sleep and study. Not being tired and having the extra hours on top of the 45 minutes a night set me up in a good position to succeed.
I took the test wednesday and I found out on thursday that I got an A! Let me tell ya, it felt really good seeing that A online. I knew that I went about it the right way studying and sleeping, I could achieve a short term goal such as this for my overall goal.
I cant be too satisfied with my test from last week though, because I have 3 tests and a project due this week! It will be the biggest challenge for me this semester, but I feel with my study/sleeping habits I can be ready for it. Plus as it says in the title, nothing like a little motivation (getting a A as a reward for my hard work) to put myself in the mindset that I can succeed if i stick to my goals; both behavioral and long term!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Week one

Hey everybody,

Hope everyones week went well. For my goals in particular, it was a strong week. I only had one quiz this week, where I was happy with my grade. Because the lack of exams, I studied a lot of the information for every one of my classes. This way I was able to catch up and build a stronger foundation of what I was learning about for each class, so come test time, I am good to go. Lets hope it works out though, because this week, I got a BIG week of exams. An exam in each of my two most demanding subjects and a paper due in another. I think with my study habits will benefit me for this upcoming week.

The other behavioral goal to help me accomplish my goal of a 4.0 is my sleeping habits. This week was a good one for me in this area. I didnt take any mid afternoon catnaps, which have helped me go to bed earlier (midnight) after studying. This has helped me get up earlier and be more productive. I already feel the changes happening, hopefully it will translate in my grades!